Jurisprudence FAQ
Why do I need to understand jurisprudence?
Dietitians must understand the laws and standards that relate to their practice. Increased awareness will help dietitians to practise within the boundaries of the law and ultimately lead to greater client safety.
Who is required to complete the jurisprudence learning module?
All Dietitians must complete any required jurisprudence learning modules as part of their continuing competence requirements for registration renewal.
When do I need to complete the module?
You must complete any required jurisprudence learning modules by January 31 in order to renew your registration by March 31.
Will there be a new module each year?
Additional learning modules are currently being developed. The College will advise dietitians when additional modules must be completed.
How long does it take to complete the modules?
Each module will take approximately 1½ to 2 hours to complete. There are links to external information and additional information that may increase the time required.
Can the(se) module(s) be included in my Learning Plans?
If you have a learning goal related to the topic of the module, the module(s) could be included in your learning plans. Keep in mind that the College recommends a minimum of three activities for each learning plan. For clarity, a module CANNOT be the only activity in a learning plan.
Can I complete the module on my phone?
The module is not optimized to view on a cell phone. It is best viewed on a desktop, laptop or tablet.
Do I have to complete the module at one time?
No, you can pause the module and resume later, provided you are using the same device. You will not be able to use different devices to complete the module.
Can I use different devices to complete the module? For example, if I start it at work and get called away, can I resume the module at home, where I left off?
You can stop the module and come back to it later, provided you are using the same device. You will not be able to use different devices to complete the module.
Can a group of dietitians complete the module(s) at the same time?
Yes, you can certainly view the module(s) with colleagues to promote discussion and awareness. However, you will each need to log into your own profile and complete the quiz at the end to receive credit for completing the module.
Will I be tested on my knowledge?
There is a quiz at the end of the module with practice scenarios and questions requiring a response. The quiz is part of the learning process and includes the rationale for each response. Your score will not be reported to the College
Can I re-do the module to get a better score?
You can re-do the module as many times as you like. However, the College is only recording completion data. Your score will not be reported to the College.
Do I need to submit the certificate of completion to the College?
No, you do not need to submit the certificate of completion, unless requested. Please keep a screenshot or printed copy of the certificate of completion for your records.
Will I need to submit the certificate of completion in the event that I am selected for audit of my CC submission?
If you have included module(s) in your learning plans, the certificate of completion can be uploaded as your supporting documentation.
I have completed the jurisprudence module, but it is not marked as complete under My Jurisprudence?
Please contact the College.
Do I need to complete Pause Before You Post again?
If you have already completed Pause Before Your Post, it does not need to be completed again.
If I completed the module(s) during internship, do I need to complete them again?
No, module(s) completed during internship do not need to be completed again.
I have to complete both modules. Do they need to be completed in any particular order?
If you need to complete both modules, Pause Before You Post must be completed by January 31, 2023. Health Equity and Cultural Humility must be completed by January 31, 2024. The module do not need to be completed in any particular order.