Internationally Educated Applicants

Dietetics is a regulated profession in Canada. Each province has its own regulatory body. Manitoba’s regulatory body is called the College of Dietitians of Manitoba (the College).


Even if you have a degree or experience working as a Dietitian in another country, you must be registered with the College in order to legally work as a Dietitian in Manitoba. 

To become registered, you must meet the College’s requirements for academics, training, and language.

Learn more > Requirements


Your immigration office will review your education and select you to immigrate to Canada if it is confident that you can find work here. However, your immigration office cannot guarantee that you will meet the requirements to work as a Dietitian in Manitoba or any other Canadian province. You must have your credentials approved by the College before you can practise and use the title Dietitian in Manitoba.

Process Overview
Understand the registration process.
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Time & Costs
Find out the time and costs to register.
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Task 1: Self-Assessment
Start here before you begin the registration process.
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