Continuing Competence Program

Program Requirements

To maintain registration with the College of Dietitians of Manitoba (CDM), all dietitians must:

  • Participate in the mandatory Continuing Competence (CC) Program of the College each year, regardless of employment status.
  • All components of the CC Program must be completed by January 31, annually.

The CDM CC Program includes the following components:

  • Two learning plans for the current CC year.  Each learning plan consists of:
    • Learning Goal
        • Must be professional learning goals related to dietetic practice.
    • Learning Activity Record
        • Activities must be at a professional level.
        • Activities must be completed within the previous two years.
    • Self-Reflection – must include:
          • Why your learning goal was chosen.
          • What knowledge was gained in completing the activities.
          • The impact or outcome on your practice.
  • Self-assessment and identification of two learning goals for the upcoming year.
  • Any required jurisprudence learning modules.

I am a new member of CDM.  Do I need to participate in the Continuing Competence Program?

New members, except Dietetic Interns or those on the Temporary Practice roster, registered between February 1 and September 30 are required to complete all components of the CC Program.

Members who have registered with CDM on or after October 1 are not required to complete the CC Program requirements by January 31 of their first renewal year.  These members are encouraged to start working on their learning plans for the following year.

I am registered with CDM on the Temporary Practice roster.  Do I need to participate in the Continuing Competence Program?

Members who are registered with CDM on the Temporary Practice roster are not required to participate in the CDM CC Program as long as full registration is maintained with another Canadian dietetic regulatory body.

If I am planning to resign from CDM prior to the renewal deadline of March 31, do I need to submit my CC learning plans?

Only members who wish to maintain their registration must submit their learning plans.

If you do not want to renew your registration, you must officially resign from the College.

I am currently off work and unable to participate in learning activities at this time.  Am I still able to renew my licence to practice?

Deferral from participation in the CC Program will be considered for a significant medical issue that prevented participation in professional development activities within the current CC program year.  Please contact the College for further information.


Update your professional learning goals, activities and self-reflection

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My Jurisprudence

Learn about the laws and standards that relate to your practice.

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Standards of Practice

Learn what guides Dietitians in daily practice.

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