Registration Process


All Internationally Educated Dietitians must complete Step 1: IEP Application.

Language Proficiency

You must be able to communicate proficiently in English or French. As part of your Internationally Educated Professional (IEP) Application, you may be required to complete a language test in order to prove your proficiency.
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As part of your Internationally Educated Professional (IEP) Application, you must complete a credential assessment to demonstrate that your university degree is equivalent to a Canadian degree. In addition to your credential assessment results, the College will specifically review your nutrition courses to determine if they meet Canadian standards for a degree in human nutritional sciences. If your degree or courses are NOT equivalent, the College will advise you to upgrade your education (Step 2) in order to become eligible for registration.
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As part of your Internationally Educated Professional (IEP) Application, you must provide a summary of your practical experience to demonstrate that you have completed a dietetic internship or practicum program that is equivalent to a Canadian internship or practicum program. If your internship or practicum program is equivalent to the Canadian standards, you may be eligible to undergo Step 3: Substantial Equivalence Testing (SET) assessment conducted by the University of Alberta.
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Process Overview

Understand the registration process.

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Time & Costs

Find out the time and costs to register.

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Task 1: Self-Assessment

Start here before you begin the registration process.

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